Do you think you are a sex addict? Do you know what a sex addict is? Let’s take apart the main excuse of all cheaters.
Sexual addiction, or “hypersexuality,” is a term that most people don’t really understand. Some people, when they hear the word “sexually,” immediately label themselves addicts because they think it’s very cool. Like a sex addict means you’re a good lover, and you can do and know everything, and you have more partners than Genghis Khan had mistresses, and they’re all necessarily beautiful, like supermodels. Well, they’re not.
Hypersexuality as a human norm lasts for a very short period of time – adolescence – after which you can safely consider it a serious mental disorder. One must understand that the love of sex and sexual addiction are completely different things. Most sexually mature people love sex, and this does not prevent them from living and interacting with other people. Sex addiction, on the other hand, is a completely different kind of phenomenon. Here a man is trapped 24 hours a day in a single thought – sex. At the same time the sexual act itself no longer gives them pleasure, but becomes a necessity for further existence. Sexual addiction, despite its apparent innocuousness – a behavior that affects not only the addict, but also people around him, friends and family. We have highlighted for you a few signs by which you can calculate a sex addict.
They are constantly late.
Sex addicts lose their sense of time, which causes them to be constantly late. Mike Weiss, a board-certified addiction therapist and founder of the Institute for Sexual Recovery in the United States, believes that “regular tardiness can be evidence of addiction, including sexual addiction. This is because with any addiction, the rest of life takes a back seat and ceases to seem important to the person.”
They lie
Of course, as the unforgettable Dr. House said, everyone lies. But a sex addict lies especially. When it comes to sex, his (or her) lies will be very coherent, correct, and measured in seconds – their habit of hiding has made them brilliant actors. They know which excuse will work best now, what you will believe, and how to tell that lie correctly. If a sex addict doesn’t try to fight himself, more often than not he becomes a pathological liar even outside of sex. His lies seem more logical and appealing to him than the real world, and as time passes, most sex addicts are no longer able to distinguish the truth from their own fiction.
They love unprotected sex.
It is clear that almost every guy at least once said the well-known sacramental phrase about a condom and a gas mask, and every girl rolled her eyes afterwards. It’s true that all normal people’s common sense defeats ridiculous prejudices, and they take care of their own health and the health of their partner. But not the sex addicts. In 99% of cases they flatly refuse to use any methods of contraception, especially condoms. They are not afraid of diseases or accidental pregnancy. Are you willing to take that risk and rely on chance? We don’t think so.
They pay for sex
Sooner or later any sex addict realizes that paying for sex is much easier than just finding a partner. It can be either real or virtual (on the Internet or over the phone) sex. The main thing is that there is no need to explain anything “after”.
They masturbate before, during and even after sex
Over time, any, even the best partner stops giving the sexaholic pleasure. That’s when endless self-satisfaction begins. Sexologists assure that such behavior has no personal connotation to the partner. Sex addicts, just like people with any other addiction, need an urgent and quick “extinguishing” of their own need. Otherwise, they move on to the next stage: irritation.
They are annoyed when they don’t have sex.
Sex addicts really can’t go without a “dose” of sex. Their addiction, like any other, leads to instability, uncontrollable anger and sometimes incapacitation. For such people sex is no longer just a pleasure, it becomes necessary for them just to be able to stay in society for a while. The more dependent a person is, the less time they can think about anything else but their own satisfaction.
If you suspect your partner of being sexually addicted, that is the case.
We are not talking about paranoid Othello-style surveillance, but about real signs that your boyfriend or girlfriend may be sexually addicted. For example, if at some point you notice excessive secrecy on the part of your partner, or any qualitative changes in his/her behavior. Psychologists in such cases advise to trust yourself.
Yes, separately all of the above can occur in perfectly healthy people. However, if you or your friend have at least a few points at once, you may want to see a specialist. Sexual addiction is quite a complicated problem, although it is not officially considered a disease. It is difficult to diagnose, because this addiction does not always manifest itself outwardly, an addicted person may behave absolutely normally. However, this does not mean that the problem does not exist. Timely help from a psychologist or sexologist can prevent a lot of problems related to sexoholism.